Johnstown Pointe's Resident Council
September 17, 2021
Johnstown Pointe would like to give a HUGE congrats to our new Resident Council Board Members!
These three lovely residents were elected by their peers at Johnstown Pointe. Resident Council can play a crucial role in voicing concerns, requesting improvements, supporting new residents, and supporting facility efforts to make care and life at Johnstown Pointe the best it can be. Join and support the resident council at Johnstown Pointe.
Meet our Resident Council:
Johnstown Pointe's FIRST Resident Council President- Verna Kuhlamn
Johnstown Pointe's FIRST Resident Council Vice President- Marie Hale
Johnstown Pointe's FIRST Resident Council Secretary/ Treasurer- Larry Barbera
Please make sure to congratulate all three residents when you see them around the halls!